Fakro Wooden Folding Loft Ladder LWT Best Insulation Thermo product information
- This LWT highly efficient loft ladder is often used within energy-efficient premises. It has an excellent level of insulation to significantly reduce heat loss.
- Minimum ceiling height requirements for 280cm:
- 234cm for a 3 section loft ladder - Minimum ceiling height requirements for 305cm:
- 255cm for a 3 section loft ladder - With its light hatch weight and method of 'click fixing', it makes installation very simple. There is also a short distance between the top tread and attic floor.
- Its special 8cm thick hatch is filled with polystyrene insulation to provide an excellent barrier and to reduce heat loss.
- For perfect tightness the ladder has a triple system of seals to guarantee this. Stile ends are also included along with a white hatch, three seals, a handrail and non-slip treads set flush with ladder strings.
- Easy installation.
- Weighing 160kg with a heat transmission co-efficient U-Value = 0.51 W.m2k, insulation thickness 7.4cm and the hatch has a thickness of 8cm.
- Achieves Class 4 to EN12207 and passed to Standard EN14975.
- Segments - 3
- Tread length - 30cm (size 55cm x 100cm only) 34cm for all other sizes
- Tread width - 8cm
- Distance between treads - 25cm
- Tread thickness - 2cm
- Box height - 22cm